Friday, July 25, 2008

JesusWalks - Sarah Robinson

Continuing from yesterday, the first JesusWalks artist I met was Sarah Robinson and her work is Reflection or Disco Ball Jesus. Sarah was working as one of the volunteer guides/security in Hyde Park for the four JesusWalks statues there. She saw me taking photos of her work and we started talking. We ended up talking for a few hours about her work and art in general.

This was Sarah’s first mosaic and to say it was a large undertaking is an understatement. The statue was completed in her kitchen as the garage was too cold to work in for the many, many hours it took to glue the numerous mirror pieces on the statute.

Reflection reflected in Sarah's glasses.Reflection was placed in a prime location as part of WYD, in front of St. Mary's Cathedral and near one of the many Official Merchandise Tents. As a side note, the consumerism aspect of the WYD scared me.

The only coloured glass in the statue is the stigmata, the heart and the flames above the heart.

Sarah was very keen in explaining how she made the work and was willing to have her photograph taken with the statue and pilgrims.

Pilgrims, with the ubiquitous red/orange/yellow backpack, would stop and have their photo taken with the JesusWalks statutes. Many planned to have their photo taken with each of the 33 JesusWalks statutes.

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